This Collection was written to help our children
understand the powerful emotions they have well up in them every day.
As adults, we are used to our emotions, we've had lots of years to develop, control and process through them. But for our little ones, emotions are an entirely new experience! We need to give our children the tools and skills necessary to understand their emotions; teaching them how to name and then how to process through them. We all want happy healthy kids, but we must not forget, a truly healthy child is an emotionally healthy child!
The Emotions Collection is set for release after the The Values Collection.
"The feeling confusion can be a dizzying thing. It can make you feel like a bird flying with only one wing!" -Elle Grey from the story, THE EMOTION CONFUSION
As adults, the emotion confusion can be very hard to work through, so for our children, the emotion can be very overwhelming.
Confusion will help you walk through this emotion with your little one and will help them to recognize what they are feeling. In addition, it helps your child to see that they are not alone in this feeling and that many people feel confusion often and that it is very normal.
Confusion will also walk your child through how to communicate to themselves and others of how they are feeling and will also help them to know how to come through this emotion to a more grounded feeling.
"We all feel disappointment at some time in our life. In fact, it’s quite common to feel it many times." -Elle Grey from the story, THE EMOTION DISAPPOINTMENT
Disappointment is an emotion that is very hard to watch our kids go through, but unfortunately, it's often times beyond our control to prevent them from feeling it.
Disappointment explains that this is a feeling that is natural and very real. Sometimes they don't see it coming and other times, well, they have a sneaky suspicion it's around the corner, but still can't help but feel it.
Disappointment reminds the reader that in order to get through this feeling, it's always a good idea to remind themselves of what they're thankful for-it often helps. And," Disappointment might come again on another gloomy day, but no matter what, they're going to be okay!"
"Frustration has a way of making us want to scream or shout. But for some, frustration is very quiet-just a silent little huff and pout." -Elle Grey from the story, THE EMOTION FRUSTRATION
Our little ones feel frustration before they even turn a year old. As the years go by though, the frustration they feel is for very different reasons.
Frustration goes through the different phases of this emotion and how they can quickly escalate. But sometimes, it can be challenging for our little ones to work through frustration on their own.
This story will help you get your little one back on their feet and feeling frustration free!
"Grief is a word for how you feel when you have a whole bunch of love lumped right in your heart. Your heart is only so big, and with that much love, it can feel like it's falling apart!" -Elle Grey from the story, THE EMOTION GRIEF
Grief is one of the hardest emotions for our kids because there is such a sadness, one that can be very hard to explain to little ones simply because it is so complex. This story allows you to break it down and talk to your little one in order to help them get through the pain they are feeling. Physical pain is one thing, but grief-well, that's an emotional pain and it can send our kids to a whole different level of pain!
"Hope is a four letter word and only four letters makes it very small. But Hope itself ignores this fact and instead stands very tall!" -Elle Grey from the story, THE EMOTION HOPE
Hope is something we could all use a little more of no matter how we much we already have! We certainly want our children to have as much hope as they can, because as we grow, hope sometimes can be harder to find. None of us want that for our children.
Hope explains that we can find it in all of us and we all choose to keep it or let it go, but either way it is a choice. Hope also teaches the importance of letting hope grow inside of us, not only for ourselves, but also for others...hope can be very catching!
Oh, this one can be so painful to feel...especially for our children. Jealousy can hurt friendships and the one that is feeling it can feel very alone.
This emotion can be challenging to work through, but like all emotions, we have all felt jealousy at some point in our lives. This makes it a little easier for us as parents to relate to what our children must be feeling. That empathy along with the words in the story will help your child overcome and grow through jealousy.
None of us want our children feeling any negative emotions...and jealousy is one we definitely want to help our children through!
"You see, love is a feeling-one that is very strong. It’s a feeling that lives inside you and can make your heart sing a song." -Elle Grey from the story, THE EMOTION LOVE
Perhaps the greatest and most powerful of all the emotions! Love can make us happy and at the same time bring us to tears...this can be very confusing for our little ones.
Our children feel love at such a young age but don't have the ability to express it. Slowly they begin to hug and give kisses but still don't understand the word for what they feel...they only know that they feel an attachment and closeness. As they get older they begin to understand this intense feeling better but this story will help you to explain in a magical way what love is, where it comes from and how it can stay with someone forever!
"Whatever it is that has made you feel blue...Ask yourself if you're sad, and if so, begin to work it through. And remember, it's perfectly normal to feel how you feel, you feelings are important and are very real!" -Elle Grey from the story, THE EMOTION SADNESS
We all hate to feel sad, but to see our little ones sad is so much worse. We would gladly take away their sadness and make it our own if we could. And there are so many things that can make our kids feel sad that it can be a very common feeling.
Sadness teaches our kids that, first when they are feeling down, they need to be sure of how they're feeling by, "Taking a little pause" and ask themselves, "How do I feel? and "What is the cause?" Our kids have to know the questions to ask themselves and once they, "Can name how they feel, they can quickly begin to heal!"
Sadness also teaches that healing can be a process and even gives some ideas they can use to work through their sadness. Because we don't want our little ones, "Going too long wearing a frown, so it's best to work through it when they're feeling down!"
"Worry is a common feeling to feel...And it's one that can be very hard to conceal. So, if you're feeling worried, let's sit and talk it through....Worry can make you feel so yucky and I don't want that for you!" -Elle Grey from the story, THE EMOTION WORRY
This story teaches that worry can be a whole lot of energy spent for nothing at all! When we worry, it is simply us worrying about an outcome that may never be. Instead let's talk about what worse case scenario is, how would we handle it? Worrying can be something that can easily 'take over' if we're not careful! So it's a great story to help learn to recognize this feeling for what it is...and then learn how to grow through it!
““I wish these stories had been around for my daughter, but I’m so very grateful they are here for my granddaughter!”
"Here's a little secret to help you, whenever you start to feel mad. Most times when we're angry, it really means that we're sad!" -Elle Grey from the story, THE EMOTION ANGER
Oh, this is one is a doosey! Anger is so tough on us as adults, imagine what our children go through trying to work through such a strong emotion!
Anger, when felt and left undisclosed, can come out in various forms within our children...It can be hitting, screaming, withdrawal and many other forms.
Anger brings to the surface that everyone feels angry at times and that often it is the result of another emotion altogether...Sadness! Surprising to learn but so important to understand because it makes anger so much more manageable.
Anger goes on to explain that everyone has their own unique way to work through this strong emotion. For some it is a walk, for others it is to take some time to draw or write their feelings down or even to talk through them with someone that wants to help.
Emotions are healthy and our children need to have a safe environment in order to work through them. They need to have support through the process and this story will help you to help them come out on the other side of emotion that can be very damaging if they don't have an outlet. We all want nothing more than for our children to be healthy, not just physically, but also emotionally. Part of that emotional health is helping them through their feelings, helping them to understand first what they are feeling, why they are feeling it and then how to work through it. Anger is natural and they will feel it at different times through their life. Let's help them recognize it now so they can process it in a positive manner and show them how to work through it in a healthy way, for themselves and others!