““I wish these stories had been around when my daughter was young, but I’m so very grateful they are here for my granddaughter! Thank you Elle Grey, for sharing these!””
“Elle Grey is doing something here...Something I wish someone would have done years ago!”
WORDS is a great message for children to hear; it’s a book with purpose! There’s plenty of books that are fun to read but if you’re looking for something that is packed full of important life lessons, then Elle Grey Stories are your go-to books. WORDS is illustrated with vivid colors and will keep your child engaged at every turn of the page. A great read with an important life lesson wrapped cleverly inside. Pick up this book and enjoy a moment to connect with your child while knowing you’re giving them, not only a fun time, but also a view point they’ll always remember.
Thank you, Elle!”
”This story is beautifully illustrated and the text is written in words our little one will surely understand. We have bought and gifted books for young children for years and immediately recognized WORDS is different. Our two and a half year old great-granddaughter came to mind. She is smart, verbal beyond her years, with a strong personality and on her way to mastering all the high-tech instruments in the household. WORDS teaches life lessons she can understand. Lessons meaningful in relationships in preschool, with her family and in particular, with her newborn baby sister.”
”Thank you Elle Grey, for giving young children a leg-up on solving life’s challenges.”
Having children is such a wonderful experience, but it can also be very scary. Having three of my own, I always have a fear in the back of my mind of all the “bad” in the world and how to keep my children safe. It’s never been an easy or comforting topic to talk about. How do you even bring it up to your two or six year old?
MONSTERS is the perfect way!!! Elle Grey helps us parents talk about, what can be such a scary topic, in a colorful and powerful way that children of any age can understand! It’s comforting to know this book can help me to talk to my kids and give them the tools they need to be aware and empowered! Finally! THE WORLD NEEDS THIS BOOK!”
Elle Grey explains so well the lesson of how our actions can hurt others, in such a fun and loving way! I can’t wait to share these stories with my little one and all his friends and cousins. The way the characters are drawn, really helps to draw our children into the lesson and makes them really excited about the story!”
“I read PEER PRESSURE to my preschool class and the students and I both loved it! The children enjoyed the rhyming words and the animal characters, and by the end of the story, they were able to tell me that if someone is pressuring them, they should walk away! I found the “Let’s Talk” section particularly helpful, as it allowed the children to relate the story to their own lives, and hopefully, it will help them make the right decision if they ever find themselves being pressured to do the wrong thing. I highly recommend this book for any early childhood classroom library!””
LOVED this story! Not only does it teach our kids to love themselves, but it also teaches them to love others and to respect their uniqueness! Elle Grey is truly working to make this world a better place for our children! I love that my grandchildren will learn this deep, and yet so beautifully explained lesson!”
What a enormously important lesson and one I’ve never known how to approach before it actually happens, UNTIL NOW! I want my son to know to never judge anyone-we are all equal as people. I feel like this is one lesson our children, and us adults, will face our whole life. Elle Grey has managed to explain such a complex subject in such a clear and fun, and even funny way! This story can be used as a reminder, really for all of us, our whole lives! THANK YOU, ELLE GREY FOR SHARING THESE WONDERFULLY LOVING STORIES WITH US! WHAT A DIFFERENCE THEY ARE GOING TO MAKE IN THE WORLD FOR OUR CHILDREN, and really, all of us!!!
“This story is a perfect book for children to learn that words can be hurtful to friends. It was the perfect start to a conversation with my daughter about her thinking about what she says before she says it. And if she would want someone to say it to her; if not, then she shouldn’t say it. The pictures are beautiful and bright and really grab her attention, as well! I can’t wait to get my hands on the rest of the Elle Grey Stories!””
“When I picked up WORDS by Elle Grey, I was immediately intrigued by the cover art. It made me feel happy and excited, kind of bubbly, like I was about to start a real adventure. As I turned the pages, I just loved, the love I felt. I felt valuable and comforted, hopeful. As I read the book to my 2-year-old grandson, I realized that we all remember words and actions that hurt us when we were little. Maybe we are still embarrassed because we said or did something hurtful back then. Or maybe it was yesterday... As parents and grandparents we want our children to be happy and mature. We want them to know how to be resilient. We want better for them. I think Elle Grey’s WORDS about kindness, forgiveness and consequences helps us and our little ones along that path. And I still feel like I am part of a real adventure!””
“We all want to teach our children the rights and wrongs of the world, and how to grow up with strong values. WORDS does that! What a wonderful way to express everything we want them to learn...in a beautiful book they can understand!””
This is such a remarkable story on how we can teach our kids to make the right choices for themselves. I believe if we instill these morals into them as they are growing up, that when they reach “teenage/young adults” they will have the common sense to listen to their gut and know what it is saying.
Choices are huge in our lives, they are the structure of our being and if we don’t nurture our children on how to understand that they do and can make their own choices for themselves and not to follow what the crowd or their friends are doing especially when they know that it’s wrong, this one conversation, this one book that describes to them in a way that they will understand is huge and worth the read.
Elle Grey has a way with words and how to make the conversation available and open for discussion, use this book as a tool to start this very HUGE and NEEDED talk with your children, you would be surprised on how they remember things more from reading and participation of stories. ”
Words is such a great story. My husband and I love the lesson it teaches, and as expecting parents, I know when my son arrives he will love it too! Such eye catching pictures and bright colors throughout the book that are great for baby.
“I just love the background story!! Elle started writing stories to her young daughter in the event that tragedy strikes and she may not see her daughter grow up. The stories she writes are lessons she hopes to impart on her daughter because “what we learn as children, shapes us as adults”. The book I received was about how our words can have the power to either hurt or heal, which coincidentally is something we our working on in our household. I’ve written before that I’m a sucker for a good rhyme and this book definitely has it-set with some cute animal characters, they share a story to teach and remind children how important words can be.”
“This is a good story about teaching children the way to play nice and have nice manners, as if you don’t, it will come back to haunt you. Miss 3 said it was a good book, she liked it. The recommended age is for 5-10, but it’s never too early to start teaching them to play nice and say the right words. Thanks heaps @ellegreystories for sending us this book, such an important lesson to be taught.”