This is also the only Collection that will continue to "grow" every year and you will be able to find new stories added to it as time goes on!
"There are so many things in this world that will require you to be strong, and peer pressure is one of them for so much can go wrong!" -Elle Grey from the story, PEER PRESSURE
This story is ever-important. Peer pressure is something we try so hard to protect our children from but inevitably they face it when we are not there to protect them. This story will help you to explain what peer pressure is and how to avoid it.
However, peer pressure is not always avoidable so they must learn how to recognize it for what it is, and that the people trying to pressure them are not their friends. It also shows them how to create their own path and to not follow others.
A very important story for the safety and well-being of our children!
"You are you and I am me, that makes us both very unique!" -Elle Grey from the story, UNIQUE
We all want our children to embrace who they are, especially as they get older and face the pressure to "fit in." But what if we could go even further and teach our kids to not just embrace their own uniqueness, but everyone's?!
You see, "Being Unique is very chic!" This story teaches kids that to be Unique is something very special and something they should always hold onto-That everything about them makes them a one-of-a-kind!
But it's because they're different, that further into the story, they begin to realize that while those differences are what makes them so special-it also means they have a lot in common with those around them...It teaches them to embrace everyone's differences because, "If being different is what makes us Unique, then that makes us very special, don't you think? So, the next time you see someone different than you, remember they're Unique and that makes them special too!"
"If you take something that isn't yours, you may be in for a surprise...Because it's hard to be happy, when you've left someone else with tears in their eyes!" -Elle Grey from the story, STEALING
Stealing teaches that we should always consider the feelings of others and should never just take something that doesn't belong to us. This can be a challenging concept to grasp, especially for young children, but it's such a valuable lesson!
This story is a wonderful lesson in the importance and power of empathy. This is fun because empathy, in and of itself, is not an easy concept to teach. However, empathy is something we all want our children to possess because it has the power to change the world!
This story manages to tackle two major topics is one: The beauty and value of empathy and why not to steal (because our kids always need to know the, "But why?" behind everything!)
"We are all very much like a book. We all have a cover and an inside-we should always take a closer look!" -Elle Grey from the story, JUDGEMENT
This story teaches our kids to, "Never judge a book by its cover"! They would never want to be treated that way themselves. As parents, we would never want someone to judge our child, we know the pain that causes. But aren't we all someone's child?!
Our kids will constantly have new people enter their lives and not everyone will be a healthy relationship to have. But if they judge simply by someone's "cover," they could easily miss out on amazing experiences, friendships and relationships in their life!
This story helps to explain the importance of never judging, as you never know what someone has or is going through at any moment! EVERYONE is who they are today because of their, "story!"
Judgement is a very powerful story, as I believe too many people are judged without even knowing them as a person and no one deserves that! I want better for our kids-For their world!
"There are Monsters in this world, they look like you and me. In fact, they blend in so well, they can be very hard to see!" -Elle Grey from the story, MONSTERS
This story was written BECAUSE KNOWLEDGE IS POWER....and our kids need all the power they can get against these Monsters!
This story is meant to empower our kids by letting them in on lots of Monster secrets! Talking to our kids about dangerous people in the world can be hard, but this story makes it so easy and leaves our little ones empowered and knowledgeable! This story teaches about all kinds of Monsters; stranger danger, online predators, not all Monsters are men, and so much more! Too many children in this world fall victim to predators...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
"People will come together, and we become stronger when we stand as one. By loving one another, there’s nothing that can’t be done!" -Elle Grey from the story, STAND TOGETHER
This story was written just days after the violent attacks in the Manchester and London in 2017. It was written as a way to help families talk to their kids about these violent attacks all over the world and turn their attention to the fact that if we all come together and stand as one; loving and helping one another-we can get through anything! All we have to do is STAND TOGETHER!!!
This story is a "Family Inspired Story!" Elle was inspired to write it because of a mom, that through interaction on Instagram, told Elle she wasn't quite sure how to have the talk with her twelve-year-old about the violence that is happening around the world! Elle wrote it within hours of having that conversation!
"Has someone ever done something you couldn’t believe they did? Something so bad you swore you’d NEVER forgive?" -Elle Grey from the story, FORGIVENESS
This story teaches what a true gift forgiveness really is! And that while we hold onto anger in an attempt to make sure we never have to relive that "thing", or that "moment" that hurt us-In all actuality we're reliving it every day. Every day we hold onto anger, frustration, resentment....Every day that we don't forgive!
"We all get frustrated at times, maybe even upset. But it never has to ruin your day- at any moment, you can choose to reset!" -Elle Grey from the story, RESET
This story teaches our kids that it is normal to get upset, but at any time we can start over, do a little reset. Sometimes just a few minutes, looking outside, away from whatever it is that's gotten us upset can help so much! There are even keywords they can use to quickly tell us how they are feeling. And hey, even us parents can use them too! Because there are times that we ALL come a little unglued!
“WORDS - “This book was the perfect start to a conversation with my daughter, teaching her to think about what she says before she says it! I can’t wait to get my hands on the rest of the Elle Grey Stories!””
"Some words are nice and others have teeth... And when you use those, you can cause others grief!" -Elle Grey from the story, WORDS
Words was the first story written by Elle Grey. Words tells the story of how the words we use can hurt others if we choose to use ones that aren't nice...and that we always have a choice.
It shows that when we use words to hurt others we then attract negativity back to ourselves! It even reminds our kids to choose kindness, not just when talking to others, but also when they talk to themselves! Positive self-talk can be very powerful!