This was the first Collection written by Elle Grey
She simply asked herself, "What are the most important things I want my daughter to know if I'm not here tomorrow?" Once written, it was decided it was best to share each one so that all families can use them to teach their children these core values.
The Values Collection is set for release after the The Growing Collection.
"Compassion is special because it can be healing-
Imagine something so strong, it can completely change the way someone is feeling!" -Elle Grey from the story, COMPASSION
Compassion is something we give when we see someone sad and want to help...Of course, we all want our children to be able to give and receive it. But before they can offer it, they have to understand what it is...
Compassion was written to explain to our children the importance of this gift and how to recognize when someone needs it. Compassion is very healing which makes it very powerful and the best thing about compassion...? It costs us nothing to give...In fact, it's entirely free!
"Trying new things can be challenging, and not just for a few.
Most people are scared to try something new!"-Elle Grey from the story, COURAGE
Sometimes trying something new can be very scary!
Courage helps a child understand that everything new only takes five seconds of courage to begin. If they can just muster up five seconds worth of courage...look at what they can do!
This story will help you to explain that the fear they feel is normal, even adults have it! It's alright to be nervous or afraid but if they can be brave for just five seconds they will have something to be very proud of...themselves!
"No one succeeds without trying. There will be times nothing will seem to work. Each time that happens, just remember…You’re not failing; you’re clearing the dirt!!"-Elle Grey from the story, DETERMINATION
This story teaches to never give up...especially when things get tough! In fact, that's the perfect time to push harder!
And there will be times that feel hard, especially if support is hard to find but with determination, courage and will-they can do ANYTHING!!!
"The best choice is to just do what you know is right, but when you don’t, always keep the truth in sight!"-Elle Grey from the story, HONESTY
This story is all about telling the truth. Children will start to experiment with lying at a young age, not fully understanding the damage it can do if it continues.
Honesty shows how telling a lie impacts the one that was told the lie, but even more so, the one that told the lie. It shows that while telling a lie in the short term might seem like a good idea...Long term it doesn't feel very good.
In the end, the lesson is learned to just tell the truth...It always feels much better that way!
"So, the real lesson here, and what you should remember to do…
Is to, “Be nice to others and MOST of them will be nice to you.”-Elle Grey from the story, KINDNESS
This story tells the truth about Kindness. We've been taught that, "If we are nice to others they will be nice to us". Kindness lets us in on a secret...This doesn't always work!
Our children have seen first hand at the playground, at school or at a "friends" house that sometimes children can be not so nice. Even when they are nice to someone, that "someone" can be downright mean.
This story teaches our children that they will face people that aren't nice, but that they should continue to make the choice for themselves to be nice to others, even those that aren't so nice to them. But if they can' t break through, it's alright to walk away and save their kindness for someone else on another day. It also teaches them to not worry...they will know when it's time to leave the negativity behind so that they can make their own choice to stay happy no matter how someone else is choosing to act.
A perfect story to help explain they can only control their own happiness.
"Sometimes being loyal will require great strength.
Other times it will be so easy, you’ll barely have to think." -Elle Grey from the story, LOYALTY
This story is one of the author's favorites! It walks us through what it means to be loyal.
They learn that they can be loyal to a friend, a pet, a cause and even loyal to themselves. This is especially important for children to understand.
In this world, children are so susceptible to feeling bad about themselves because of what someone says or does. This story explains in a way that a child can understand that being loyal is a choice, one they may face every day, just in a different way than adults.
In the end, we learn that being loyal is something very special and that not everyone chooses to be loyal. It even teaches that we must do our best to forgive those that aren't.
"What does it mean to be polite?
Well, it means to be respectful, kind and to do what is right."-Elle Grey from the story, MANNERS
Mind Your Manners...What does that even mean? And how do you explain it to your little one?
Manners breaks it all down to show that it simply means be respectful, kind and do what is right...It sounds so simple. But Manners shows it's sometimes not as easy as it sounds for so many reasons. But if they just try every day to use their 'please and thank you's', throw in some 'yes ma'am's' and 'yes sir's' and before you know it...They'll be minding their manners.
Manners also says that it's alright to slip up now and then, they'll get plenty of chances to try again!
"You can make a choice to be patient, or you could not,
but if you choose impatience, you may end up in water that’s hot!" -Elle Grey from the story, PATIENCE
Oh, how to define patience to a child...The author manages to do just that!
Children often feel as though they don't have a voice and that the adults in their lives are making all the decisions for them. This can leave a child feeling very frustrated and just wanting to be assertive and have their voice heard...This feeling often comes out in the form of impatience.
Patience walks a child through the decision making process of how we all have a choice to be patient or to be impatient. It teaches our child the difference between the two choices and how ultimately we each make this choice several times a day. If we make the choice of being impatient, it often hurts the impatient one more than anyone else.
This story will help you to explain that being patient, while at that moment might not seem as fun as the original plan, it can often times be more fun! Certainly more fun than, "Sitting in stew!"
"Sometimes when you have something, someone else will want some too. And you will have to choose to share or save it all for you." -Elle Grey from the story, SHARING
What does it mean to share and why should we do it? The act of sharing is often very difficult to do, even for some adults. Teach your child now while they are young the importance of sharing.
This story reflects on the decision to share and how sometimes it can be difficult to make that choice. But when they do, they find that often times they are just as happy as the one they are sharing with.
Sharing will help you explain to your child that offering something they have to someone else is a form of kindness. It's a wonderful story with a valuable lesson. After all, we all want our children to be kind and for others to treat our children with the same kindness.
““Elle Grey is doing something amazing here...something that I wish someone would have done years ago!!””
““As parents and grandparents, we want our children to be happy and mature. We want them to know how to be resilient. We want better for them! I think Elle Grey’s story, WORDS; about kindness, forgiveness and consequences helps us, and our little ones, along that path!””
"Appreciation is simple, yet can be hard to define,
it’s something you must feel-it’s not just a line."-Elle Grey from the story, APPRECIATION
Appreciation is truly a gift, one that can be given and received. This story explains to our children the importance and power of gratefulness and how to show appreciation.
Appreciation walks you through why we should be grateful and how to show that gratefulness through the gift of appreciation.
This is a valuable lesson for all children as we all want our children to be grateful for even the small things in life so that they can truly appreciate everything.